Exactly What You Need

Finish the fight Finish the fight

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. – Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

We’re down to two weeks left in this challenge. Maybe you aren’t seeing the progress you were hoping for. Maybe you skipped a few days and lost motivation. Maybe it hasn’t been what you were expecting.

It’s tempting to throw in the towel.

Maybe the next challenge will be better.

Maybe this isn’t for me.

Or, maybe, it’s precisely what you need. The temptation to quit is strongest just before the finish line.

The most critical reps for any exercise are the last two. In a set of 5 x 8 back squats, sets 1 - 4 and reps 1 - 6 of set 5 are just the prerequisites to get you to reps 7 and 8. Those last two reps are where the gains are made. This challenge is no different. We’ve covered nutrition, physical training, and mental toughness. All of it was designed to get you to this point. These last two weeks will define your success in the challenge.

If you’re struggling with one of your daily tasks, reflect on why. Dig in to understand the challenge with it, then create a plan to address it, but don’t quit. If you aren’t sure what to do, ask for help. Help can come in many forms, but no help comes if you don’t ask.

Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.

Finish this fight.