24-Hour Fast

Shaq Shaq

Surprise! Today is the first surprise challenge of the 45-Day Challenge. For one day during the next week, fast for 24 hours. You can pick any day that works for you. I try to pair it with days I’m pretty busy to avoid having a lot of idle time to think about food.

“Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself, ‘ Is this the condition that I feared?” – Seneca

If you’ve never done a 24-hour fast before, it’s an exciting challenge to try. You will learn that it’s easier than you think, and when you think you are hungry, the feeling passes within a few minutes whether you actually eat or not.

I try to fast for at least 24 hours once per month. There may be some health benefits, but for me, the motivator is discipline: fasting allows me to practice discipline and focus in less-than-ideal circumstances. You never know when you will need this skill and when you need it: it’s too late to learn it. It’s also a gentle reminder that things could be much worse. I’m fasting by choice when many worldwide do so out of necessity.

Here are some things I’ve learned:

  • Your gallon of water is your friend: a belly full of water keeps you from feeling hungry
  • Carbonated water is a refreshing change up from regular water
  • You can still workout with just as much energy and power
  • Timing matters: while you can pick any 24 hours, I’ve found it easiest to start after dinner on day one and fast until dinner the next day. This lines the most challenging part of the fast up with the time of day when you have the least opportunity to do anything about it: your workday. The final hours of the challenge are during the end of your workday, and most people don’t have the option to stop working to address it. By the time you do, it’s dinner time anyway.
  • Eat your regular meal at the beginning and end of the challenge. There is no need to “stock up” or “replenish” for the fast. Doing so results in you feeling miserable from overeating. Your body has enough fuel stored for three weeks; you’ll make it through the 24 hours just fine. If you have medical concerns, consult your doctor before taking on this challenge. This challenge is optional but highly recommended because of what it teaches you. Once completed, check the box in the tracking sheet and share what you’ve learned.

Today’s Tasks

Don’t forget to complete today’s tasks for the challenge.

  • Drink 1 gallon of water
  • Workout for 45 minutes
  • Read ten pages from your book
  • Stick to your meal plan

Once completed, head to the tracking site and mark them as completed to track your progress for the challenge. Tomorrow we will be covering my favorite nutrition topic: CHEAT DAYS!