What Should I Eat?

I can hear some of you already; “What?!?! What am I supposed to eat? Do you expect me to eat the same thing every day?!?!?”

Well, yeah…

But hear me out first: you already do.

For a vast majority of us, we eat the same thing over and over: a chicken, a cow, a pig, a fish. I’m willing to bet there is a similar pattern in your selection of fruits and vegetables, too. Ewww. Kale is gross; I’m not eating that. So you stick with iceberg or romaine lettuce, and the only time you switch is when your preferred leafy, green salad staple is currently contaminated with an ecoli outbreak.

It’s not the food; it’s the seasoning

It’s not the chicken that provides variety; it’s the seasoning. Some days you have it with spicy seasoning. Some days it is simmered in a broth. Some days it is dredged in salt and pepper and fired up on the grill. Some days it is scrambled or cooked over-easy. It’s still a 🐓.

po-tay-toes po-tay-toes

So, if we can agree that you already eat the same thing day after day, but seasoned differently, let’s work with that. According to your macros, how much chicken (beef, pork, or tofu) do you need to meet your intake? Find that number. For the sake of conversation, let’s say it’s 10 oz. You know, if you are eating chicken today as your protein, you need 10 oz of it. What you do to that 10 oz is entirely up to you. Grill it, bake it, stew it, slather it in peppers, or whatever makes you happy.

This is the key to sticking with your nutrition plan long term. Change your mental attitude: food should not be the source of variety in your life. It’s the people with you when you eat. The environment. The situation. Add mixture to other areas of your life: learn to play an instrument, launch a YouTube channel, go to the grocery store without a mask, and make friends with trashy people you can’t introduce to your other friends.

Today’s Tasks

Don’t forget to complete today’s tasks for the challenge.

  • Drink 1 gallon of water
  • Workout for 45 minutes
  • Read ten pages from your book Once completed, be sure to head over to the tracking site and mark them as completed to track your progress for the challenge. Tomorrow we will combine everything we’ve learned to create your meal plan. We’re not done talking about nutrition yet, though; just implementing what we’ve learned so far.